Three thirty in the morning was no time to be found upon the
streets of Berlin unless you had a reason to be there, sanctioned by the Reich.
Frank had no such reason and needed to become invisible and not in Berlin very
quickly. He slipped into the shadows as a door opened, a quadrilateral of
yellow light cutting the muddy oppressive heat that still clung to the
buildings, a quadrilateral that proceeded to hold the silhouette of a more than
corpulent male figure.
“That’s enough for you for the night! Werner; you are a
great comedian, but an even greater piss-head. I hope you survive Munich to
entertain us again before Christmas. Now, as the Fuhrer himself would put it, fuck
off back to Cologne”. The silhouette slumped, turned and was surprised to feel
a light arm around its shoulders.
“Cologne, well, we are fellow travellers, thrown together by
fortune!” Frank was disgusted by the stench of sweat, cheap spirits and rancid
bratwurst, but he needed cover and a way out of Berlin, and so he gave his new
friend a slap on the back and flashed a handful of banknotes. “Werner, I am
delighted to meet you. I believe we can help each other out here. You see I can’t
get to my car due to an argument with my wife, and my other home is in Cologne,
where I need to be until she cools off. I assume this,” and Frank flicked about
a million Marks under Werner’s nose, “could help you in some way.”
“I am a comedian….but are you having a joke?” Werner
held Frank’s fistful of money and tried to focus on it.
“I am Norwegian; I don’t even know what a joke is.”
The silhouette pulled a hip-flask from his jacket and
registered a dumb disbelief, finding it empty. He rubbed his eyes and turned
his attention to Frank.
“You look very clever to me, Mr. Norwegian; so tell me this,
what do you call a genius in Norway?”
“Well, geni is the normal term.”
“No, a tourist is the correct term, Mr Dumbfuck
Frank let his hand hover for a fraction over Werner’s back
before giving him a friendly hug. His way out of Berlin had just promoted itself
to his way into Frank IV. This evening was life-changing in the most profound
sense, and Frank did not do comedy. Werner was going to die as soon as he had
got Frank back to Cologne. Die, and yet live forever. The comedian would be
amused by the fact that he had just met his companion for eternity: if he could
get past the fact that Frank would stick a knife into his brain, liquify the
matter and pour it into the nutriment before sealing the deal. Oh well, Frank
knew which of them was the real genius, and Werner was no Buster Keaton.
“This could be a fine mess you’ve got me out of, Werner.”
“Decadent American Communist reference my friend. But funny,
and about comedy. I like you.” Werner put his arm around Frank’s shoulder. “What’s
your name? I know a place where we can get some fine Irish Whisky. Buy a bottle
and I am sure we can get to Cologne together if you can face a night on a small
couch with two cats, one of which is incontinent.”
“I can handle that.”
“The other cat is dead, has been for some weeks…. Very smelly….and
there are maggots, but that’s life!”
“To life, to death, and to Cologne!” said Frank, slipping a
couple of notes into Werner’s hand. “Frank Korner. I feel we have a great
future before us Werner.”
“Werner Hesse, I don’t give a fuck about the future unless
it has the name Jameson printed on the label. Jameson, bed and Cologne. But
first, Jameson.”
“Thank God the Irish Republic continues to trade with
Germany; and Norway of course.” Frank found himself almost blinded by the image
of Prionsias O’Connell, the contributor to Frank III, as he raised a glass of Jameson
before feeling the hard steel enter his skull from below and behind the left
ear. The affections as well as the intelligences of his contributors seemed to
cling. Nature and nurture? Frank didn’t give a damn as long as he could get out
of Berlin and get into a new body. He felt semen snake from his ass. It was
time for a new start.
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